Tuesday, July 12, 2011

No more chemo!!!

I made it!!! Last chemo is done, sure I still have this week to contend with, and a lot more time before I'm 100% but I'm done!

Neulasta is sitting in the fridge, mocking me.  Waiting to be injected to do its good things for my WBC's and the evil things to the rest of my body....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

12 eyelashes...

Today is the day I lost my "guide" brows. Still have some eyebrow hairs, but I have to rely on my stencils now, and putting them in the right place... And I'm spacially challenged-yikes! The efforts are definitely worth it, people still comment that at least I haven't lost my eyebrows ;)

Have exactly 12 eyelashes left, don't want to count the brows!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Starting today...

OK, so here I come...  A little late to the party.

I'm looking forward to my last chemo on Monday!!!!!  School ends in 3 1/2 weeks and then only a surgery and possibly radiation to look foward to- that should be a breeze after this.

Why am I here... I'm not trying to be interesting, I just know that I wanted to know what others had been through so that I might know what to expect .  Not sure about backposting what has happened so far, perhaps pages??

My concerns right now... When does the fatigue get better, should I be worried about neuropathy, what surgery will I have, will I need radiation, what will the hair regrowth be like, finishing this blasted class, when can I hunt for a new job, and when can I book my vacation, and when can I suba dive again! Look like a crazy worried person after seeing this list, but really AM handling this well (I think)

Enough already!!!!!!!!!!!